A Bee-utiful Creature
Preserved and delicately pinned, the honeybee sits inconspicuously amongst other insects of the extensive etymology exhibit in the Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural history. Behind the tiny black and yellow striped exoskeleton and dainty set of wings exists a creature so extraordinary and yet underappreciated for the various services and lessons it provides. The honeybee, in all its honey-making business, models a selfless diligence and cooperative social system that exceeds our own ways of being. By examining this remarkable insect, we begin to grasp the significance of man’s appropriation of nature along with the consequences of doing so heedlessly. The honeybee is a dwindling entity in this world due to mankind’s neglect. Its vitalness to our survival and symbolic value in our culture merits heightened concern and vigorous action towards combatting the disappearance of the honeybee.
When you look at this honeybee, you see a paragon of virtue.

by ErinMoyer