Montana Moss Agate

This is my specimen, photographed by Merrisa Schwartz at the Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural History.
By Merrisa Schwartz
"When you see Montana Moss Agate, you see a reflection of yourself."
My first interaction with the Montana Moss Agate was of passing appreciation – I recognized that the collection was unique but did not give it much thought. As a friend called me back to the small display case, we discussed the designs on the stones. My classmate saw the stones as being similar to Japanese watercolor art, while I saw the designs as similar to the Ink Blot Test, wherein someone’s interpretation of formless ink blots is believed to reveal their inner personality. With the lack of information on this specific group of gemstones, I realized that this connection was accurate – the meaning of the Montana Moss Agate is a reflection of oneself.

Montana Moss Agate in its natural form before cutting and polishing. Pieces for sale here:
Natural Art
Montana Moss Agates are a group of specifically formed gemstones which are only found along the Yellowstone River, spanning from a region spreading from Emigrant, Montana to the North Dakota border. These stones are classified as a cryptocrystalline form of silicon dioxide, commonly known as quartz, due to the individual quartz crystals being visible only under high magnification. During their formation, Yellowstone volcanos would erupt silica-rich lava which decimated the surrounding forests. As it rained, silica and other minerals would fill cavities left by the remnants of the destroyed trees. The silica hardens to become the translucent base of the gemstone, and additional minerals such as iron oxide and manganese oxide would fill in the tiny spaces within the silica to form “dendrites”, or the various colored elements that can be seen within the agates. Some of these dendrites would be formed in such a way as to resemble landscape scenes or other aspects of nature, causing these to become “scenic” agates.
There is no single established meaning of the Montana Moss Agate. Each group who is interested in the agate is invested for their own reasons which reflect their background, their culture, and their intentions and use of the gemstone. The most prevalent group is those who are interested in the agate for its use in various jewelry. Because the stone gains economic value most from the work put into the jewelry, the meaning becomes a reflection of the artist and the design of the jewelry. For crystal healers, the meaning reflects what the individual wishes to adjust and heal due to the reflective nature of crystal healing practices. Native American meaning of the stone all has similar general characteristics but is largely influenced by the culture of each tribe. Amateur geologists see the gemstone as a result of their hard work and time spent into finding and polishing the agates.

Montana Moss Agate earrings set in Gold with Diamond fringe: $3,960
Link for purchase: