The American Rattlesnake

When you look at the rattlesnake you see a historic American symbol that needs our help.
The Rattlesnake has a long history of being used as a symbol for American culture and sprit; Likely because of its nativity to the region, intelligence, mild temperament and deadly strength. Benjamin Franklin stated that American Rattlesnake was “a strong picture of the temper and conduct of America” and claimed it should be “the arms of America” that is bared during battle and represents the American people. The prevalence of the rattlesnake as a symbol of America began prior to the revolutionary war in a call to arms political cartoon, one that is thought to be the first political cartoon of America. The cartoon, first published in 1754 Pennsylvania Gazette, depicts a fragmented rattlesnake with the abbreviations of the colonies laying above each segment and the words ‘Join or Die’ captioned below. The cartoon began Americas use of the rattlesnake as a symbol of independence, strength and spirit. The use of the rattlesnake as a symbol is still prevalent today and can be seen in the popular Gadsden Flag which has coiled rattlesnake and the words ‘Don’t Tread on Me’.
Although throughout American history the rattlesnake has been a overwhelming symbol of American strength and spirit the actual treatment of the snake is continuously deteriorating. The rattle snake has garnered an undeserved bad reputation that has lead to harmful practices like rattlesnake roundups. Although fewer than a dozen people die each year from the venomous snake bite, human misconceptions has resulted in exaggerated tales of rattlesnake ferocity and a widespread destruction of the snake population This detrimental demonization of the snake has resulted in damaged human relations with the animal and the blatant disrespect for the American symbol.